Saturday, March 31, 2012

Order McFarlane Sportspicks: NFL Series 6 > Joey Harrington Action Figure

McFarlane Sportspicks: NFL Series 6 > Joey Harrington Action Figure

I buy McFarlane Sportspicks: NFL Series 6 > Joey Harrington Action Figure low price from, I highly recommend NFL Sportspicks Price is AWESOME ITEM !
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McFarlane Sportspicks: NFL Series 6 > Joey Harrington Action Figure Overview

McFarlane Toys produced this line of highly detailed, finely sculpted 7 inch scale action figures based on the NFL stars of today and tomorrow. Collect them all, each sold separately.

Friday, March 30, 2012

When the Storms Come, You Can Take It

How often we cry out, "I can't take it!" when the storms of life rise up and threaten to destroy us. We forget so fast the principles we have learned straight through life's many experiences as our stress levels rise.

The Old Testament book of Job tells us about a house who suffered terrible loss. Job came straight through the storm with his faith intact as he triumphed over sin, sickness and death. His wife came straight through the same storm, but she fell apart emotionally and spiritually on her journey back to faith.

Attitude made the difference. It all the time makes the inequity as to how we weather our storms.

Many scholars believe Job was a modern of Abraham and the book written about him is for real one of the oldest in the Bible. He lived in the Middle East, and was a well-known and respected form in his community. His testimony shares a qualified private for prosperous living. He said, "I have made a ageement with my eyes" (Job 31:1). This sincere God-fearing man was very meticulous what he read, meditated on and looked at (1:1,8, 2:3).

Job was a rich man. He had a large family, a huge staff and many possessions. He was also a generous man. "I delivered the poor who cried out, and the fatherless and he who had no helper... I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy... I was eyes to the blond... Feet to the lame... A father to the poor" (Job 29:12-16).

His special concern was for the spiritual welfare of his children (1:5) and he prayed for them every morning. There is no report that Mrs. Job joined him in his morning devotions. While Job was construction spiritual muscles, Mrs. Job was taking the day as it came. Which was all very well when things were going their way, but a major question when the wheels fell off. And they fell off radically. Even in their wildest imaginations, they could not have anticipated what happened next.

In one day Job lost his whole staff, with the irregularity of three men. He also lost his firm and all the capital he had invested in livestock. He was totally bankrupt. While he was still trying to come to terms with his loss, he was informed that his ten favorite children had died in a terrible accident. Job also lost his health.

We can learn much from Job.

Job acknowledged God's sovereignty. "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away," he said (1:21). Mrs. Job, on the other hand, blamed God. "Curse God and die," she muttered angrily. Job refused to allow the "root of bitterness" to enter his heart (Hebrews 12:15). "Blessed be the Name of the Lord," he said quietly (1:22). Mrs. Job was angry. She believed prosperity or adversity was heaven's comment on life and she could not understand how God could be so unfair. Religion, she concluded, was a total failure. Job worshipped God and bowed down to His Lordship. If the sovereign Lord had allowed this, it was good adequate for Job. "He said to her, 'You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we for real accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?' In all this Job did not sin with his lips" Job 2:10. Curse God and die! "Commit suicide, Job," this bitter disillusioned woman told her husband. His wealth was gone, his home was gone, his costly children were dead and he was in a gross bodily state. What was there left to live for? Job was one of God's failures. Job exercised his faith and believed God would make a way. "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him," he insisted (13:15). Job firmly believed that God would stand by him. Mrs. Job believed their condition was permanent. She had no faith, no trust and no fellowship with the Lord. A deep darkness had invaded her soul. Job was ready to learn from his trial. "But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10). "When the Lord has tested the reality of my faith," he said, "that which is spurious will be blown away and only gold will be left." He saw this as a learning curve in his life, from the Hand of the Great educator Himself, and was convinced that the Lord knew exactly what Hew was doing. That is genuine faith. Mrs. Job kicked and screamed all the way. Job was ready to learn. Mrs. Job was not. Job had a long-term view of life. What happens on this earth is merely the making ready for a life of eternal joy and blessedness in the presence of God for those who know the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter what happens in this life, its value lasts for a brief moment in the light of eternity. "For I know that my Redeemer lives," Job insisted (Job 19:25-27). For Mrs. Job, there was no comfort, no peace - only depression. Job refused to be influenced by his wife or his friends. When he needed her the most, his wife spoke words of death to him. His friends accused him of private sin, deserving the wrath of God. Job stood firm. He believed God even when things looked their bleakest. He knew the private of praising God "in" all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

The end of the story is a happy one. God is faithful, even when we are not (2 Timothy 2:13), and he brought both Job and his wife safely straight through the trial. He restored to them double of all they had lost. (Job 42:10-17). A poignant moment in this story of God's faithfulness is the comment about Job's children. God gave them only ten more children, a astounding insurance to Job that his prayers were answered and he had double the estimate of children for real - ten in heaven and ten on earth.

God is faithful, sovereign and kind, adequate for any storm. When we pick to believe that, and stand firm in our faith as Job did, we will find that we can "take it" in His drive and by His Grace. Our attitude makes the difference.

Action: Keep a unavoidable attitude

When the Storms Come, You Can Take It

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Check NFL - Jeremy Shockey 9.5" Action Figure in a NY Giants Uniform Ratings & Reviews

NFL - Jeremy Shockey 9.5" Action Figure in a NY Giants Uniform Reviews

Searching for low price of deals? You coming the right way ! We provide price already. We have done a ton of research on NFL - Jeremy Shockey 9.5" Action Figure in a NY Giants Uniform deals.

Below is low price at ! Check Now ! !

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Check McFarlane Toys Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long Action Figure 2-Pack Ratings & Reviews

McFarlane Toys Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long Action Figure 2-Pack Reviews

Looking for low price of deals? You coming the right way ! We provide price already. We have done a ton of research on McFarlane Toys Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long Action Figure 2-Pack deals.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why Use Goal Setting Templates?

Goal setting templates will help you start working towards your goals the right way. Most of the templates will give you guidance and step by step instructions too.

While goal setting is a complicated process which needs a lot of view put into it, the templates make this process easier for you. Your goals will be broken into smaller units which will make the long term goal look achievable. Putting your goals in writing makes all things lawful and gives you the drive to pursue your dreams.

Who can use these?

These are used by children as well as adults. These templates teach children to look into the future. It also gives them an aim to work towards. Some of these templates are designed for adults. It helps students who are trying to form out their future.

These templates are made after a lot of explore and hence they are designed to make you look into every aspect of goal setting. It is like a plan of activity for your life.

Types of templates

While some templates focus on personal goals others can involve worker or pro goals. While all these separate areas of a person's life will need separate ways to deal with, the templates will save you a lot of time.

Employees as well as student were found to achieve best after a goal setting session. These templates make sure you remain motivated till you reach your goal. In some schools and workplaces, going straight through this rehearsal is a mandatory.

Right places to look for them

You can find a lot of web sites on the internet where you can download the templates from. Some of these websites will also have some related articles that will guide you straight through this process. Some places even let you download it for free.

A lot of teachers make use of these templates in class to motivate students. They can also be used in work places and within families. These templates also make it easier for you to modernize your goals whenever you want to.

Why Use Goal Setting Templates?

Monday, March 26, 2012

So You Think You're Not Creative, And You Dont Care

Ok, hang in there for a wee with me... Just a minute...

What does the word 'creative' mean and why does it matter? One definition of creativity from is "resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc." I like this definition because to me it means everybody is creative; everybody has customary thoughts and ideas. Where citizen get hung up is while the expression of those thoughts and ideas. Expressing the idea can take many forms, from speech-making to painting a photograph to composing music to putting together our own unique style to cooking a new method to painting your bedroom bright get the picture!

Why is all this important, especially to women and girls? also being fun, one very prominent presuppose is because there is an innate association in the middle of creativity and intuition. How do these two associate in a meaningful way? Being able to express our creative idea in a manner that stays true to our customary idea is an rehearsal in self-esteem building. Learning to rely on our intuition is a key element to building self-esteem. And all this starts in the brain, specifically in the right side of our brain. Our culture, legitimately our world, values left brain mental (logic, structure, verbal skills, fact-based decision-making). Therefore, from an early age, our right brain (creativity, perception, visual, spatial), gets ignored and over time, becomes figuratively 'flabby' from underuse, if not stimulated. Our educational principles focuses practically entirely on left brain functions in math, science, and language. Due to the need to growth or utter student scoring in these areas, as well as a lack of funding, the focus on 'right-brain' curriculum such as art and music is greatly reduced or eliminated all together.

So, how does all this work? Well, the right brain comes up with an idea; the idea can be connected to a Diy project, solving a qoute at work, the arts, how to settle a conflict, etc. If you are inspired to activity by the idea, the brain then comes up with way(s) to express the idea. The brain also edits the separate ways it might express the idea, as well as the actual expression of the idea, to make sure the end product legitimately does transport the customary idea. As we work straight through this process, we unconsciously store the caress of the process in our knowledge bank where it can be recalled later, partially straight through intuition, in other idea expression experience.

Consciously choosing artistic ways to rehearsal creativity and intuition puts both into overdrive! Now, you may be saying "but I can't even draw a stick figure"! I say forget that internal negative voice and go with the flow! If you don't know where to start, you can begin with something as simple as a doodle coloring; you know, the thing you did when you were a kid where you drew connecting squiggles all over the paper and then chose your favorite colors to color in each area? Yeah, that one! First, draw the squiggles all over the paper. Now, consciously choose your favorite colors and begin to color in the areas. While you're doing this, think about how nothing you do in this rehearsal can be 'wrong'; associate with your 'inner child' and let it flow! When you're done, put your photograph in a prominent place...on your desk, on the front of the fridge, anywhere you can see it and continue to reconnect with the experience.

And when you're ready, take a bigger step...more on that in following articles!

So You Think You're Not Creative, And You Dont Care

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Identity accident - Check Who You Are

Identity urgency - The Art of Losing Ourselves

"God has given you one face and you make yourself another." - William Shakespeare

There is so much truth in the words of William Shakespeare, but many of us fail to identify it or rather neglect it. It is no hyperbole that very few population on the earth stand for who they are.

When we hear the word crisis, we can present it to many known measurable incidence like Food Crisis, Water Crisis, Fuel Crisis, and Economic urgency - many of them are shaking mankind from its deepest roots. But one urgency that is neither measurable nor understandable and having an follow of slow poison is Identity Crisis.

What is Identity Crisis? It is a man (includes the female gender too) losing his own self to become someone who he is not, and in that process, be in the middle of an ocean from where he can go nowhere.

Identity urgency is deadlier than most of the other crises because of the estimate of facets it has. It engulfs mankind in many forms and at varied stages, which affects a kid and a Ceo of a enterprise alike.

It all starts with parenting. Parents play a big role in holding a child's identity intact. Very often we hear mothers lulling their children by words like "If you eat this... You will become like a hero/ heroine." dinky does the child know what his time to come is and he lives in the trance of a someone who he admires. Only when he sees the tough reality, he understands that his miserable dreams are broken. Why don't parents urge their children to be themselves and make him comprehend what he is?

There is a craze to become a Sachin Tendulkar or a Michel Jackson among kids and teens. They do everything, well almost everything, to emulate their heroes and heroines. Idol worship has become a state-of-art fanfare. But, comprehend there can only be one Sachin or Mj. Imitations are still imitations. They have stamped their authority in their respective fields by dancing to their own tunes and not to somebody else's. One can have them as models, but cannot be them. Many population are confused by the words, 'following the foot steps', and relates it to becoming the model himself in future. This idea is expanding in an alarming rate.

We all know human brain is one of the unsolved puzzles in the world. It is believed that every person has a brain that functions faster than most of the super computers. How much of its possible do we put to use in our daily life? Why do we want to live with the help of other's brains and their life and let ours go fishing (or may be something else - like On Bench in an It industry)?

We always think of role models and we feel proud of having them and we even fight to defend them as if they are our own property. How many of us aspire to become role-models? I don't remember hearing anyone saying he want to be a role-model.

A girl losing her identity after marriage is something we have witnessed, especially in India. Though the scenario is changing today, it has been a girl's destiny to lose her identity. They are the immediate victims of Identity Crisis, by force.

Even at work place we see the identities being lost. population want to become what they are not. There is nothing wrong in aspiring to become like someone, but, there is a thin line of contrast in the middle of becoming someone-being-oneself and the losing oneself. The human ego also plays a role in many cases. Presenting our own points on the table is not rude but is a virtue. But, today this ability is seen only after achieving a level of leadership. It is not uncommon to see talented population wearing out of horizon just because they do not back themselves. We live on our idiosyncrasies and we should back them up by believing in and standing for ourselves, for no one else will stand for us in this complete world.

We have many sportsmen losing their identity in order to be who they are not. Cricketers are the most base examples. The entertaining case of Irfan Pathan is a living example. He was notable for his swing bowling when he came in, which really brought him success and name. But, in the process of becoming an all-rounder, he is now, not an all-rounder and not a bowler that he was. This is an experiment that went wrong and may be, at the cost of a career.

God has sent us with brains and never asked to rent someone else's. Perhaps that would have made his work easier. He gave all of us a amazing piece of mass and asked to make use of it. Our destiny is dissimilar from someone else. Or is it a curse that we have blindly proper to see the world straight through someone else's eyes? Having our own vantage point about who we are and what we stand unto, in my view, is of notable importance. In my opinion, maintaining our own identity is none the less than maintaining the sanctity of the human body. This doesn't mean we should be paranoid about it, just that we should make our proximity felt in this world.

The world will not turn upside down nor will the Sun rise in the west if we lose our identity. But when we die, we may comprehend we have lived as someone we never wanted to be.

Can we do something to prevent this? At least, sell out the intensity? Yes. Few actions can be:

1. Providing relaxation to children and help them to build a strong personality
2. Encourage to wake up the reasoning side of a person.
3. Spending time with oneself and performing introspection.

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are". The only inquire is do You have the guts to be true to yourselves? I am stopping here, letting you to figure it out.

Identity accident - Check Who You Are

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Buy CHARLES WOODSON / OAKLAND RAIDERS 1998 NFL * EXTENDED SERIES * Starting Lineup Action Figure & Exclusive NFL Collector Trading Card

CHARLES WOODSON / OAKLAND RAIDERS 1998 NFL * EXTENDED SERIES * Starting Lineup Action Figure & Exclusive NFL Collector Trading Card

I order CHARLES WOODSON / OAKLAND RAIDERS 1998 NFL * EXTENDED SERIES * Starting Lineup Action Figure & Exclusive NFL Collector Trading Card low price from, I highly recommend Starting Line Up 71989 Price is AWESOME ITEM !
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CHARLES WOODSON / OAKLAND RAIDERS 1998 NFL * EXTENDED SERIES * Starting Lineup Action Figure & Exclusive NFL Collector Trading Card Overview

CHARLES WOODSON / OAKLAND RAIDERS 1998 NFL * EXTENDED SERIES * Starting Lineup Action Figure & Exclusive NFL Collector Trading Card. Displayed figure stands approximately 5 inches tall. Includes helmet & one Exclusive NFL Starting Lineup Trading Card. Originally released in 1998 - Retired / Out of production. Ages 4 and up. From Kenner.Charles C. Woodson is an American football cornerback for the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at the University of Michigan for the Michigan Wolverines. In 1997, Woodson led the Wolverines to a national championship. He is the only player in the history of NCAA Division I-A football to win the Heisman Trophy as a primarily defensive player, edging out then University of Tennessee and former Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning.Woodson declared his eligibility for the NFL Draft following his junior season at Michigan and was selected 4th overall in the 1st round of the 1998 Draft by the Oakland Raiders. After Woodson's first season in the NFL he was named The NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year by the Associated Press. He started all sixteen games, becoming the first rookie Raider since 1971 to do so. Woodson had 64 tackles that season, leading the NFL for defensive backs. He was third in the league in interceptions with five and recorded one interception return for a touchdown as well as one forced fumble.[12] Woodson was named to his first Pro Bowl. In his second season in 1999, Woodson was selected to his second Pro Bowl and was named All-Pro by the Associated Press.


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