Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Taking relieve In Our Spiritual Unity

(This article originally published in the December 2002 issue of Dell Horoscope magazine. Reprinted with permission.)

There's only one of us here!

There is only spirit, only God playing a game with Itself. "You and I are not we, but One." (guru Meyer Baba)

There is only energy. That is All There Is. But in order to know itself great and more consciously, this aware power (Spirit) has decided to divide itself, to split itself into separate pieces, or fragments. It has decided to play the game of life on earth. It has decided to dry itself into packets of physical form.

The One Spirit has belief itself into existence, into material form, by playing colse to with all the myriad combinations of power patterns. Like snowflakes, no two are ever exactly alike. Each is a unique configuration of an power pattern.
Some of the fragments of this one power are us... People! population are simply crystallized matrixes of energy, and our horoscopes are simply the power patterns that existed at our birth (or, incarnation), condensed. We call these unique configurations "individuals," "egos," or "personalities."
These extra fragments of the One Spirit are great by the original characteristic of self-awareness. We are packets of crystallized power that's infused with awareness. It's simple: whereas all of existence shares consciousness, only population perceive they are people. population are the One Spirit (All That Is) brought into form, and able to perceive itself as Spirit-in-Form.

The Elements

Within the One power are nuances of energies. These have been defined as separate elements. Astrology is the age-old study of, and encoding of, these diverse types of energies, which have been named Fire, Earth, Air and Water. (In systems of astrology other than Western, there are separate codes used, such as in the Chinese theory where wood and metal both are substituted for air resulting in five elements...but it's essentially similar in purpose.) These assorted elements tell us how each packet of self-awareness will play the game of life on earth.

A fragment of the One Spirit composed mostly of the element Fire is playing the game of life by experimenting with spiritual power itself - its bright, dynamic, initiating, outgoing and creative qualities. Aspiring upwards, vital, never still, and rushing forth into activity, such a fragment experiments with being most like spirit while in a body. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are these. They are reaching for greatness. They need self-realization and challenge, but can forget they are human - mortal and branch to physical laws.

A fragment composed mostly of Earth is playing with the most solid and grounded kind of energy, the energies of the body and of form itself. Physical, practical, inpatient and realistic, focusing on the material aspects of life, they are implicated with accumulating stuff, gaining safety and control over the world, and dealing with substantive issues. Down-to-earth, carport and steady, such a fragment seeks to understand density and containment. These are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. They are reaching for security. They need real results, but can forget they are spiritual beings - elevated and divine in nature.

A fragment composed mostly of Air is playing with the interrelating energies of mind, how minds mingle, and mentality contained in form. Curious, social, logical, communicative, busy, and focusing on ideas, they crave intellectual stimulation from studies or collective intercourse. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are these. prosperous on reason, they are reaching for significance. They need a meeting of the minds but can forget they have feelings - emotions and needs.

A fragment composed mostly of Water is playing with the most sensitive and reactive power - emotions. Moody, sympathetic, responsive, imaginative, and focused on the feeling nature, they are working with the most tender energies of all. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are these. Vulnerable, psychic, receptive and empathic, they are reaching for compassion. They need a reason to engage their heart's loving embrace, but can lack for objectivity - logic and practicality.

The Variables

Besides these elemental nuances, many other variables can be reshuffled in endless mixture.
Astrology uses other symbolism to define the range of power packets we have come here as. For instance, the 12 above-mentioned Zodiac signs each describes a type of feel to be had playing the game of life, as do the 9 planets and the 12 houses, and the range of aspects between them. Combining these basics with other variables - such as cultures, races, roles, eras, geography - the infinite range of opening can be seen for the One Spirit to participate of life on earth.
Add to that, the importance of choices made by free will, and you'll see that Spirit has a astonishing and ceaseless opening to try out all its disguises, all its potential. You are that. You are a unique and excellent expression of spirit, never before attempted.

Some packets are intrinsically easier than others (and that too is chosen), but any potential challenge can be met by realizing the self-creation of its make and the spiritual purpose behind it. No matter how tough your gift life seems, you (as spirit) chose to give it a shot. You thought, "Oh, that should be interesting; let's try that combination!"

The universe creates itself as it goes, never repeating its forms. It creates ceaselessly in order to build the belief of form, or one might also say, of reality. The entire point of life is thus: to shape out how many expressions of unique potential can be derived from the same basic set of building blocks. The chemists know that there are distinct underlying elements comprising what's known as a life-form; so too these same elements consist of any form. It is in their configuration, their endless (infinite) combinations that newness develops, and that turn and growth come to be (evolve). It is not important that there be an endless contribute of building material, only that the recombinations of such be endless. That is the formula, one might say, for eternity, and for the creation and development of a universe.

In our current universe, the building materials have been carefully at the first instant of existence, and they will remain so for the duration of this singular universe. (In other universe - the ones built or industrialized in alternate realities or multi-dimensions - there might be other basic elements ready for building form. But in this one, the particulars are well known and understood.)

How, then, can there be such prolific and ceaseless newness? It is because consciousness fuels the evolution of any form. The consciousness need not be understood as of the human variety, for that is not all the time the case. The human range of consciousness can be called the point whereby the formation of mind is present. Whereby a mind is built that knows itself as mind!
? The Voice of Spirit, The Brotherhood of Light Workers (Judi Thomases)

Let's look at some details of other variables.

The Planets

Planets are emphasized by angular positioning, by the whole of aspects made to them, and by their power in the horoscope (cosmodynes).
If you have chosen an power pattern that emphasizes the Sun, you are wanting to dwell on individuality, vitality, self-expression, creativity and essence; if the Moon, on emotions, instinct, memory and family; if Mercury, on intellect, perception, versatility, interchange, and the five senses; if Venus, on attraction, pleasure, harmony, kindness, affection, and niceties; if Mars, on aggression, conflict, sexuality, temper, motivation, ardor, courage, or action; if Jupiter, on luck, ethics, optimism, generosity, high-mindedness, and abundance; if Saturn, on responsibility, restriction, defense, introversion, caution, patience, thrift, self-discipline, and duty; if Uranus, on eccentricity, iconoclasm, freedom, originality, friendliness, humanitarianism, or genius; if Neptune, on inspiration, other-worldliness, idealism, spirituality, altruism, psychic attunement, and being a visionary; if Pluto, on intensity, power, extremism, transformation, psychology, or wealth.
Often, complex combinations of these generate some mystery not described by the planet alone, such as satisfaction (Venus) combined with limitation (Saturn), or performance (Mars) combined with flimsiness (Neptune), or feelings (Moon) combined with hardness (Saturn). Depending upon the configuration of these planetary patterns, that which is emphasized can seem like a distinct or negative feel to the fragment.

The Houses

Emphasis on house article reveals the focus of the chosen lifetime. Full houses will examine the fragment's attention, sometimes splitting the spotlight between two or more themes that may or may not be compatible.
House 1 demands attention to the self and its needs and realization; House 2, to one's worth and productivity; House 3, to one's society and communicative potential as well as to one's siblings; House 4, to one's family and roots; House 5, to one's offspring and creative expression; House 6, to one's health and livelihood; House 7, to one's relationships; House 8, to one's expectations of resources; House 9, to one's beliefs and education; House 10, to one's vocation and reputation; House 11, to one's associations and goals; and House 12, to one's former karmic legacy.
The frequent appearance of empty houses reveals only that it is common, given the whole of planets (9) and the whole of houses (12), for that to be the case. Other factors, such as house rulerships and their planetary significance, sometimes equilibrium out these otherwise unpopulated domains. Nevertheless, any heavily populated house will clearly narrate the soul's intention for the power configuration of that lifetime. Such is a person's bag-o'-tricks, or toolbox.

The Aspects

Horoscopes that emphasize difficult relationships (hard aspects) between planets are broadcasting that soul's desire to challenge itself through the chosen power pattern, whereas those that emphasize easy aspects are a clear signal that a soul wishes less of a challenge and more of an enjoyable sojourn. The greater the challenge, the braver the soul. Courageous soul choices proclaim a strong desire to compel the fragment's growth towards wisdom. Sometimes, the soul chooses an intensely tough feel that the personality cannot handle. This can effect in suicide. On the other hand, the fragment might rise to the challenge of such a choice, and make great inner improve towards the accumulation of wisdom and compassion. It is all the time Spirit playing its game with itself, though, and much relief and detachment - even the humor of the predicament - can be found by rooting oneself in that point of view.

Often, a mixture of aspect patterns can be seen, such as when a Grand Cross and one or more T-Squares share a horoscope with a Grand Trine and sextiles. This would indicate that the soul has desired to mitigate the severe testing by juxtaposing relief or aid within the power configuration - a smart move! Even then, if the fragment dwells upon the hardships rather than the blessings, the feel can prove unbearable. Wisdom would examine a realignment of focus away from the grief and toward the charm of life. It's here that free will enters the equation.

Culture, Race, Role, Geography & Eras

Twin (identical) power patterns can occur when births take place in the same hospital (often, just delivery rooms apart) at the same itsybitsy of the same day. It's then that other variables such as culture, race, geography or role are seen to play a great part in the soul's option to try a unique experience. For example, the baby can go home to a mainstream or minority household, can be eldest or youngest in the family, can be of educated or disadvantaged parents, or even be movable to an entirely separate city in which to be reared, all of which will alter the parameters of the intrinsic power pattern.

Not only does the soul play with a crystallized matrix of power by which to feel the game of life (i.e., when to incarnate); it also maps out the road ahead. separate cosmic eras hold keen time to come pathways to explore. An era in which Pluto will be transiting its ruling sign of Scorpio will be quite separate than an era in which it will be found in a sign that has no strong affinity to it, as would an era in which two outer planets reach conjunction. (Both of these patterns are true of our generation's!) And since these eras usually span a singular lifetime, soul option is revealed by the historical duration chosen for reincarnation.

One More Variable

A soul that has had many more lifetimes on planet earth will have accumulated that much more wisdom against which to process its gift experiences. As the soul ages, it will handle power differently, with more insight, and thus react differently to energies. Eventually, we are told, the very industrialized soul will completely transcend the power patterns of their horoscope, reacting itsybitsy or not at all to the very same triggers that impact most people. (The reason is simple: they are by then identifying more with a state of power than with a state of form.)

Sometimes, soul age can be seen in a horoscope by some planets at very late degrees (finishing lessons with regard to distinct types of energies), or conversely, at very early degrees (beginning a new cycle of experience). However, the trainee of astrology would need to support judgment about this determination, and discover other traits that could corroborate any theory on such a determination.

New (Future) power Patterns

Upcoming power patterns are revealed by Progressions and Transits.
In a astonishing showing of divine play, an easy horoscope often becomes difficult through its progressed aspects, while a keen one often becomes lighter. The journey is designed to contribute tests (and relief) no matter what has been chosen. Progressions also can de-emphasize natal houses and switch emphasis to other themes as life goes on. looking "ahead" is especially helpful while hard times.

Similarly, patterns of transits (constantly changing and ephemeral configurations of energies - thus, an Ephemeris) can lighten or encumber the soul's design. Knowledge of the duration of these overlaying helpful or hindering patterns is very useful, and can mean the distinction between despair and patience.

See Your Local Astrologer!
If you want to understand your personal game plan, what mixture of energies you opted into, how best to handle the givens and navigate through the upcoming patterns, see your local astrologer or study the discipline! If you are an power healer, and want understanding into working with another's energies (loved ones, clients, co-workers) - or as they might be affected by your own - first know what energies you are encountering.
If you want to co-create life in the best potential way to reach awareness and fulfillment, know yourself and your options through your horoscope. It is your roadmap to liberation, and one of the best tools you can find for any curative work.


© Judi Thomases, December 2002.

Judi Thomases, psychic astrologer with excellent credentials and a background of studies in Eastern doctrine and Western metaphysics, has over 3 decades of feel offering curative consultations that merge horoscope, Tarot, and AstroDice -- and sometimes a extra message channeled via The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Founder of Mind's Eye Forum and Goddess Gatherings, author of "Wisdom's Game: How to turn Life's Pain into Joy", she delves deeply into the soul's agenda, clarifying choices. She can be reached at Readings by appointment only. Reputation cards accepted, or send check or money order to Judi Thomases, P.O. Box 248, Garnerville, Ny 10923.

Taking relieve In Our Spiritual Unity

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